I am sure every time you see the Julius Yego ad “I am the You Tube athlete” (You Tube man) you wonder what on earth he was thinking to start something like that on You tube. What will make you even wonder more is how many more people launched or were even propelled in their careers by using You Tube. PYS is now the all-time You Tube Superstar; his song “Gangnam style” made him famous as it the hit surpass 1 billion mark view on the same platform You Tube. Now with his new single-Gentleman launched this year is also breaking record on “22 plus million views in less than day” on You Tube’s press release last month. And the best of all who knew Justin Bieber was made from You Tube to concur the world if it wasn’t for his You Tube videos that made Talent manager Scooter Braun to make move on him and actually sign him. That was in 2008 then with that unique boyish hairdo that made waves in Youtube.
A side from entertainment there is the ‘Khan Academy’. Khan offers over 1,400 tutorials, teaching about everything from Math and finance, to physics, chemistry and biology. So with videos like the Khan academy on You Tube all you need internet access and you’re in class.
The You Tube revolution is pretty incredible from making the world smaller by travelling by just the click of a single button. It takes things a step further on learning about places and cultures around the world from the actual people that live there. Not forgetting the platform for spreading truth and inciting change, posting videos to the world on first-hand what is going on countries happenings. As to the revolt that sprang up and swept the Arab world demonstrating about their civil issues; You Tube was used very much.